Sovereign Philosophy
Sovereign - supreme rule or authority.
University - the universe around us that we literally create through the use of our minds.
Sovereign University represents the idea that retaining supreme rule and authority over our minds is the current-day call to action for families and individuals looking for new options to revise or replace old paradigms and control their own realities.
We educate from a non-dualistic perspective in which all things are understood to be part of a greater whole; and that nothing exists in isolation or independently of its context. By recognizing and embracing this interconnectedness, we cultivate greater empathy, compassion, and understanding for our community and for the world as a whole. We also understand how this interconnectedness allows us to manipulate our realities to produce and manifest our lifes as we know it.
Our Vision is to provide the most innovative, culturally competent, relevant, and rewarding educational experiences.

Our Curriculum
Our interdisciplinary curriculum is grounded in exploring the mystifying nature of quantum physics with a wide array of technology focuses. In an interconnected information society, we understand how the rapid changes in technology affect our economies and the collective consciousness of society as a whole. We leverage this understanding to provide immersive, relevant educational experiences focused on equipping the scholars of today with the tools and knowledge of tomorrow. Our peripheral emphasis on knowledge of self and critical thinking is best encapsulated in our mission:
Encouraging freedom of thought, through studying the past,
and staying in the present
to secure the future.
We leverage technology to share easy accessible information, to facilitate accelerated learning, and to provide fund interactive learning experiences.
Knowledge of Self
Promotion of the realization that people, plants, planets, particles, positions, and perspectives (thoughts) can all be reduced to patterns.
Critical Thinking
Sovereign scholars are critical, creative, and reflective thinkers, decision makers, and problem solvers who access cooperation and collaboration to achieve goals.
Core Values
Our program is designed in alignment with
David Kolb's theory of Experiential Learning,
and approaches experiences from a relativist Constructivism ontology.
Experiential Learning
Educator and psychologist David Kolb described experiential learning as the “process of learning from experience that shapes and actualizes developmental potentialities” (Kolb, 2015, p. 167). One main assertion that this learning model embodies is that development does not occur before learning but with learning. This development is achieved using four learning tenets:
Learning by doing
Learning through real-life contexts
Learning through projects
Learning through problem-solving
When approached through a constructivist lens, experiential education allows learners to generate their own relevance and personal meaning from experiences.
The educational theory of constructivism insist that learning is constructed through the dual practices of experience and reflection on experiences. As individuals may offer different reflections of the same experiences, this self-reliant understanding of learning holds that “knowledge is highly contextualized by political, historical, cultural and other influences” (Hall, Griffiths, & McKenna, 2013, p. 18). Constructivism can be understood as "a set of views about how individuals learn (and about how those who help them to learn ought to teach)" (Phillips, 2000, p. 7; Chen, et al., 2001, p. 26). Constructivism operates from the belief that reality is specific and determined by location (Chen, et al., 2001). “The constructivist paradigm has a relativist ontology in which reality is believed to have multiple constructions” (Hall, Griffiths, & McKenna, 2013, p. 18).
Rooted in the observation that "reality is specific and determined by location" our curriculum is infused with concepts and understanding inspired by quantum relativity theory:
Quantum studies focus observations on things that are very small, like particles and atoms. This view (or construct) of the universe is known as the Quantum Realm. This realm does not exist in a different place; but it does provide a different way of looking at why things are the way that they are. Sovereign University approaches education from a quantum perspective as a way to provide more value and greater outcomes than traditional systems have. Things look quite different in the Quantum Realm and the mystery, magic and intrigue of this realm inspires us to learn about ourselves and our world through investigation, critical thinking and mental sovereignty.